Out of the Shadows Birthday – CALL TO ACTION! WE NEED YOU

Out of the Shadows turns 7 this year! Can you believe it? We have achieved so much along the way, from training thousands of professionals to being part of the BBC documentary “Hidden Girls.” But seven years is a long time, and it’s time for change. We are talking about a new website, new training, new blogs with guests, Vlogs, YouTube videos, and maybe Blondy’s People podcast- season 2 (Maybe!).

If Out of the Shadows were a human, this would be her growing up. We have gone through all the learning curves: teething, falling down, and getting up. And we have learned so many lessons.

Out of the Shadows is about to turn up!

We have lots planned over the next few weeks, including looking at our achievements, our best bits, some epic feedback, videos, and a competition or two. (Did someone say free training!!!)

None of what has been achieved could have happened without all the support Out of the Shadows receives, so it’s only fair everyone is involved in the glow-up!

So first things first… LOGO

When we created the Out of the Shadows logo it was based on stepping into the lights from the dark. And we have most definitely done that. But we need to upgrade. And this is where you come in. For the past week, a competition has been going on to create our new logo with our new strapline (Ohh if you could see me bouncing up and down as I write this)

Now, we need you to vote for and comment on the one you like the best. We have two days!

So please hit the link below, vote, and then share this link/blog so we can get as much feedback as possible.


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