That time, the universe tried to KO me……

Picture it, if you will… I’m in a boxing ring. I have gone so many rounds that I have lost count. The crowd’s scream is deafening, and I can no longer tell if they are cheering for me or against me. All I know is they are screaming. It’s hot, and the lights are so…

Uncovering Hidden Memories of Harmful Sexual Behaviour.

I had fantastic training with The AIM project this week, with the very epic Karen Martin. You can read more about The AIM Project and what they do here, but as an overview, The Aim Projectlooks at models, frameworks, and practice guidance for children and young people impacted by harmful sexual behavior (HSB). Aim stands…

“To be a female with an ASC [autism spectrum condition] is to be twice excluded: once from the neurotypical female population, and once again from the [autism] community” (Shefcyk, 2015)

“To be a female with an ASC [autism spectrum condition] is to be twice excluded: once from the neurotypical female population, and once again from the [autism] community” (Shefcyk, 2015) The opening quote for this blog resonates with me a lot…but…let me backtrack one second. I have been away for a hot minute. A million…

Dear Rob Bennett…a letter to my champion….

I am on a journey. I mean, we are all on a journey, so let me rephrase that….I am on a journey and am very much doing the work and acknowledging what is coming from that. But maybe that’s for another time… A lot of work I am doing is about my past and how…

Warning …Camp Wildfire will change your life!!!!

I missed out on a lot in my life, especially as a child. Things that many would see as “normal” were not gifted upon me. Like, I never joined the brownies or guides. I didn’t have regular holidays and any holidays we did go on were stressful. I didn’t join summer clubs, go-karting with my…

I think I got my smile back.

I think I got my smile back. There is a Stormzy song called “Got my smile back”. If you have not heard…please do…trust me (Link at end of blog) There is a line that goes… I was at my lowest when I bought myself the double-RThe things we do to cover scars I was driving…

Writers (Un)Block – Lemn Sissay’s voice of reason

The definition of writers block is: the condition of being unable to create a piece of written work because something in your mind prevents you from doing it The definition above is said in my head with the voice of Morgan Freeman. It’s said slowly and deliberately so that each word sits with me for a moment. I write. I have always written. Poems and stories from as…

It’s not where you start….it’s where you finish…

I graduated last week. I received my MA months ago, but the graduation has only just happened due to covid. For some, the whole performance of putting on the hat and cape and having your name called out is just that… a performance. Something you just do when you graduate. But its more than that….

But Mummy….Safe is so boooring!

My daughter has always been …challenging is maybe the word I am looking for. She is her mother’s daughter; she has opinions and thoughts about what is right and what is wrong. She makes me proud when she speaks and her thoughts and feelings towards the world leave me speechless often. She turned thirteen recently….